f your goal is to achieve a mesomorphic physique characterized by lean muscle mass and a proportionate body shape, here are some key principles to follow (one year transformation ):

Nutrition: Calorie Surplus: Consume slightly more calories than your body needs to support muscle growth. Aim for a surplus of 250-500 calories per day. Protein Intake: Consume sufficient protein to support muscle repair and growth. Aim for 0.7-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Balanced Macros: Include a good balance of carbohydrates, proteins, […]

To gain muscle faster, you can follow these tips

Progressive Overload: Focus on gradually increasing the demands placed on your muscles over time. This can be achieved by increasing the weight, repetitions, or intensity of your workouts. The principle of progressive overload ensures that your muscles are constantly challenged, promoting muscle growth. Resistance Training: Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine. Focus on compound […]

How to build muscle at home

Whether you are hitting the road for the holidays, traveling for work or pressed for time, it’s possible to build muscle with at-home workouts. Inbar Naor-Maxwell, M.S., ACSM EP-C, EIM2, an exercise physiologist at Piedmont, shares her tips for a safe, effective home workout. “Exercising at home is really good for people who don’t have a lot of […]

5 fitness trends to get you in shape

If you want to spice up your exercise routine, group fitness classes are a great way to learn new moves and stay motivated to meet your goals. Look for classes at a nearby gym, recreational center or boutique fitness studio. Do your research before you go: make sure your class is led by a trainer […]

Should you work out before Thanksgiving dinner?

There are many benefits to fitting in a workout the day of a big holiday meal—and they have nothing to do with burning calories or “earning” your food. “I think individuals should enjoy their holiday meals without the stress of exercising to ‘earn the calories,’” says Asher Ezzard, EP, a Piedmont exercise physiologist. “Humans are made […]

The most common weightlifting mistakes people make

  Common weightlifting mistakes could hinder your fitness progress and set you up for injury, says Joel Hardwick, ACSM EP-C, EIM2, an exercise physiologist at Piedmont Atlanta Fitness Center. Hardwick says these are the most common weightlifting mistakes he sees at the gym: Not warming up first. If you go into a workout with cold muscles, you […]